GWRSD uses the services provided by Vachon Clukay & Co PC to audit their financial records annually. These records should have been available by February 15, 2022. However, ESSER funds were not included as part of this audit and do not appear on the district's 2022 annual report. Considering there is a trend in decreasing enrollments, increasing energy, healthcare, and personnel costs and the untold cost of learning loss - now would be the time to buckle down and take a closer look at GWRSD finances.

The GWRSD School Board has a fiduciary duty to the taxpayers and each member should be intimately familiar with the monthly expenses approved at each school board meeting as part of the financial manifests. As a member of the school board, I would require a detailed financial report to be provided to each voting member no less than 72 hours prior to any scheduled meeting. This would allow ample time for review so that any questions may be formed prior to voting.